Sunday, July 21, 2013

Megan Fox Workout Excises and Diet Plan

Megan Fox Stunning Body
Secret Well Training Program and Cardios Workout is a MUST to Shape Up a Great Body

Megan Fox workout mostly are simple and special designed by her personal trainer since Fox reportedly said that she is too lazy she will not even make the trip to the gym and result her trainer has to come to her.

The 1st Phase

1. Crunches
2. Hyper Extensions
3. Knee Ups
4. Super Mans
5. Lateral Crunch (Left)
6. Lateral Crunch (right)
7. Prone Plank
8.Ball legs Lifts
9.Lateral Plank (left)
10. Lateral Plank (right)

By repeatably execute above circuit of 10 different exercises hits all the muscles of the lower trunk. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds before moving to the next one. Do the circuit three times , and then take 90 seconds break between circuits . The goal is to improve the rep range achieved each week. You need to record your progress to track back any improvement for daily basic.

The 2nd Phase

The next focus segment is cardiovascular and this portion of her training Megan likes to use a stationary bike. Since the tempo on the bikes is so high, it can be classified as interval style training. This rapidly increases the heart rate, but only for short bursts , while transforming your body into a fat-burning furnace. The stationary bike acts like a canister of gasoline you pour on a fire.

Fox begins her cardio workout by cycling at a relatively easy level for two minutes. As the clock approaches the 2 minutes mark, increase the resistant level on a bike to level 10. Sprint at 100 RPM + for 60 seconds and return to easy level. Take 120 seconds at the easy level. Again, as the clock near the 120 and sprint for 45 seconds keeping the RPM at 100+ then rest again for 120 seconds.

Megan Fox Diet Plan - Secret Weapon
Another Secret Weapon which Build up Stunning Shape of Megan Fox

How about Megan Fox's diet plan? Megan loves food, but before shooting a movie Megan Fox will have a very clean diet to get her in the best shape possible for the big screen. Consume lot of natural sources of protein such as nuts, eggs and meat. She love eggs for breakfast & makes breakfast her biggest meal of the day to help prevent her from overeating later.In her diets plan, also include various kinds of fruits, vegetable and almonds as carbohydrates sources.Almonds have essential fatty oils including Vitamin E which are great for your body.
Megan has secret weapon that can be purchased in any grocery store - cider vinegar, which can act as an amazing fat burning tool and a great detoxifier. It also re-add a few tablespoons of cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it frequently. Cider vinegar also a good topping for salads. Either way, it is an awesome way to boost metabolism.

Dream Of Building Up Your Own Six Pack Abs Body?

Is it really possible for anyone to get 6 pack abs or is it some genetic mutation that only some people are gifted with? It's taken heck of a lot of work to get toned abs and sometimes I'm quite annoyed with guys who come in to the gym and barely workout and yet have the perfect abs.

Be that as it may, recommended Six Pack Abs program which constantly staying up-to-date on new and innovative training strategies as well as the latest nutrition tips in order to pass this valuable information and help improve the quality of your life.Included also personalized metabolic rate calculator - takes your own body characteristics and activity level into account.


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